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Invoke Enumerable.Except (IEnumerable) on dictionaries using reflection

I'm trying to use reflection to compare properties of objects that are the same type.

The problem is that with reference types <T> == <T> won't do So I try to use reflection to compare values of IEnumerable for this I try to invoke Enumerable.Except(T)

It works on List but won't work for Dictionaries:

Unable to cast object of type 'd__571[System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair2[System.String,System.String]]' to type 'System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[System.Object]'.

The issue is with this code :

var typeKeyValuePair = typeof(KeyValuePair<,>);                      
                   Type[] typeArgs = { args[0], args[1] };

                    exceptMethods = typeof(Enumerable)
                        .GetMethods(BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public)
                        .FirstOrDefault(mi => mi.Name == "Except")

Full code for the info

 public static List<Variance> DetailedCompare<T>(this T val1, T val2)
        List<Variance> variances = new List<Variance>();

        PropertyInfo[] propertyInfo = val1.GetType().GetProperties();
        foreach (PropertyInfo p in propertyInfo)
            Variance v = new Variance();
            v.Prop = p.Name;
            v.valA = p.GetValue(val1);
            v.valB = p.GetValue(val2);

            switch (v.valA)
                case null when v.valB == null:
                case null:

            if (v.valA.Equals(v.valB)) continue;

            if (typeof(IEnumerable).IsAssignableFrom(p.PropertyType))
                if (p.PropertyType == typeof(string))

                var args = p.PropertyType.GetGenericArguments();
                MethodInfo exceptMethods = null;

                if (args.Length == 2) //dictionaries
                    variances.Add(v); // add to difference while not able to compare
                   var typeKeyValuePair = typeof(KeyValuePair<,>);                      
                   Type[] typeArgs = { args[0], args[1] };

                    exceptMethods = typeof(Enumerable)
                        .GetMethods(BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public)
                        .FirstOrDefault(mi => mi.Name == "Except")

                else if (args.Length == 1)//lists
                    exceptMethods = typeof(Enumerable)
                        .GetMethods(BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public)
                        .FirstOrDefault(mi => mi.Name == "Except")


                if (exceptMethods != null)
                        var res1 = (IEnumerable<object>)exceptMethods.Invoke(v.valA, new[] { v.valA, v.valB });
                        var res2 = (IEnumerable<object>)exceptMethods.Invoke(v.valB, new[] { v.valB, v.valA });
                        if (res1.Any() != res2.Any()) variances.Add(v);
                    catch (Exception ex)


                    /* if (v.valA.Except(v.valB).Any() || v.valB.Except(v.valA).Any())
        return variances;

class Variance
    public string Prop { get; set; }
    public object valA { get; set; }
    public object valB { get; set; }


  • I think you might consider casting to the generic IEnumerable, and then boxing it to objects with the .OfType overloading function. The complete code would look like this:

        void TestFunction()
            var v1 = new { yes = "asdf", no = "as", ar = new List<int>() { 1, 2, 3 }, dict = new Dictionary<object, object>() { { 1, 1 }, { 2, 2 } } };
            var v2 = new { yes = "asdf", no = "fd", ar = new List<int>() { 1, 2, 3 }, dict = new Dictionary<object, object>() { { 1, 1 }, { 2, 2 } } };
            var differences = DetailedCompare(v1, v2);
        public static List<Variance> DetailedCompare<T>(T val1, T val2)
            List<Variance> variances = new List<Variance>();
            PropertyInfo[] proppertyInfo = val1.GetType().GetProperties();
            foreach (PropertyInfo p in proppertyInfo)
                Variance v = new Variance();
                v.Prop = p.Name;
                v.valA = p.GetValue(val1);
                v.valB = p.GetValue(val2);
                switch (v.valA)
                    case null when v.valB == null:
                    case null:
                if (v.valA.Equals(v.valB)) continue;
                if (typeof(IEnumerable).IsAssignableFrom(p.PropertyType))
                    if (p.PropertyType == typeof(string))
                    var args = p.PropertyType.GetGenericArguments();
                    MethodInfo exceptMethods = null;
                    if (args.Length == 2) //dictionaries
                        //variances.Add(v); // add to difference while not able to compare
                        var typeKeyValuePair = typeof(KeyValuePair<,>);
                        Type[] typeArgs = { args[0], args[1] };
                        exceptMethods = typeof(Enumerable)
                            .GetMethods(BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public)
                            .FirstOrDefault(mi => mi.Name == "Except")
                    else if (args.Length == 1)//lists
                        exceptMethods = typeof(Enumerable)
                            .GetMethods(BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public)
                            .FirstOrDefault(mi => mi.Name == "Except")
                    if (exceptMethods != null)
                            var res1 = (IEnumerable)exceptMethods.Invoke(v.valA, new[] { v.valA, v.valB });
                            var res2 = (IEnumerable)exceptMethods.Invoke(v.valB, new[] { v.valB, v.valA });
                            // TODO: maybe implement better comparisson 
                            if (res1.OfType<object>().Any() != res2.OfType<object>().Any()) variances.Add(v);
                        catch (Exception ex)
                        /* if (v.valA.Except(v.valB).Any() || v.valB.Except(v.valA).Any())
            return variances;
        public class Variance
            public string Prop { get; set; }
            public object valA { get; set; }
            public object valB { get; set; }
            public override string ToString() => $" Property {Prop} is either {valA} resp. {valB}";