I want some content to only be printed in my node-type.tpl.php if the node has a certain taxonomy term.
With the following I can print the term's name if its ID is 5:
<?php print $node->taxonomy[5]->name ?>
Can I modify the code so it only prints something if the term ID is 5? I tried the following but it doesn't work:
<?php if ($node->taxonomy == '5'): ?>
Print something here if the term ID is 5.
<?php endif; ?>
Im a bit of a newbie with advanced theming so I was hoping to not have to mess about with my template.php.
It seems more complicated than necessary but could the code from here be altered: Drupal - display blocks according to node's taxonomy term ID
Got it working:
<?php if ($node->taxonomy[5]): ?>
print stuff here
<?php endif; ?>