I'm working on a toy compiler using F#, i.e., the combo of FsLex and FsYacc. To get familiar with them, I've read the Lexer/Parser chapter of Expert F# (v2) book (a good book btw). Right now, I've half way through the well-recommended ocamlyacc tutorial, and stuck at the last example Multi-Function Calculator mfcalc. Particularly, the following statement
%token <float->float> FNCT
in the parser file keeps getting error "error: parse error" in my F# version. Am I missing anything here, or is this a feature currently not supported by F#?
This looks like a bug. Adding parens doesn't help. I have tried various workarounds, but I couldn't find a clean way. You should do a bug report.
If you have only one function (like in the tutorial example), you should define a type in the prelude:
type floatFunction = float -> float
%token <floatFunction> FNCT
If you have many functions, you could also define a generic type:
type functionType<'a, 'b> = 'a -> 'b
%token < ('a, 'b) functionType > FNCT
Any angle bracket in the type leads to a parse error (even functionType<float,float>