I am annotating an huge amount of Strings as CoreDocuments through Stanford Corenlp. StanfordCoreNLP pipelines have an internal feature for multithreaded annotating to optimize the process however as far as i can see CoreDocument objects cant use that feature in the version i run,- which is stanford-corenlp-full-2018-10-05.
Since I could not make Pipelines Annotate collections of CoreDocuments I instead tried to optimize the individual annotations by placing them inside multithreaded methods. I have no Issues with the multithreaded environment. I receive all results back as expected, my only drawback is the time consumption. I tried about 7 different implementation and these were the 3 fastest:
//ForkJoinPool is initialized in the main method in my application
private static ForkJoinPool executor = new ForkJoinPool(Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors(), ForkJoinPool.defaultForkJoinWorkerThreadFactory, null, false);
public static ConcurrentMap<String, CoreDocument> getMultipleCoreDocumentsWay1(Collection<String> str) {
ConcurrentMap<String, CoreDocument> pipelineCoreDocumentAnnotations = new MapMaker().concurrencyLevel(2).makeMap();
str.parallelStream().forEach((str1) -> {
CoreDocument coreDocument = new CoreDocument(str1);
pipelineCoreDocumentAnnotations.put(str1, coreDocument);
System.out.println("pipelineCoreDocumentAnnotations size1: " + pipelineCoreDocumentAnnotations.size() + "\nstr size: " + str.size() + "\n");
return pipelineCoreDocumentAnnotations;
public static ConcurrentMap<String, CoreDocument> getMultipleCoreDocumentsWay4(Collection<String> str) {
ConcurrentMap<String, CoreDocument> pipelineCoreDocumentAnnotations = new MapMaker().concurrencyLevel(2).makeMap();
str.parallelStream().forEach((str1) -> {
try {
ForkJoinTask<CoreDocument> forkCD = new RecursiveTask() {
protected CoreDocument compute() {
CoreDocument coreDocument = new CoreDocument(str1);
return coreDocument;
pipelineCoreDocumentAnnotations.put(str1, forkCD.get());
System.out.println("pipelineCoreDocumentAnnotations2 size: " + pipelineCoreDocumentAnnotations.size() + "\nstr size: " + str.size() + "\n");
} catch (InterruptedException | ExecutionException ex) {
Logger.getLogger(Parsertest.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
return pipelineCoreDocumentAnnotations;
public static ConcurrentMap<String, CoreDocument> getMultipleCoreDocumentsWay7(ConcurrentMap<Integer, String> hlstatsSTR) {
RecursiveDocumentAnnotation recursiveAnnotation = new RecursiveDocumentAnnotation(hlstatsSTR, pipeline);
ConcurrentMap<String, CoreDocument> returnMap = new MapMaker().concurrencyLevel(2).makeMap();
try {
returnMap = recursiveAnnotation.get();
} catch (InterruptedException | ExecutionException ex) {
Logger.getLogger(Parsertest.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
System.out.println("reached end\n");
return returnMap;
RecursiveDocumentAnnotation class:
public class RecursiveDocumentAnnotation extends RecursiveTask<ConcurrentMap<String, CoreDocument>> {
private String str;
private StanfordCoreNLP nlp;
private static ConcurrentMap<String, CoreDocument> pipelineCoreDocumentAnnotations;
private static ConcurrentMap<Integer, String> hlstatsStrMap;
public static ConcurrentMap<String, CoreDocument> getPipelineCoreDocumentAnnotations() {
return pipelineCoreDocumentAnnotations;
public RecursiveDocumentAnnotation(ConcurrentMap<Integer, String> hlstatsStrMap, StanfordCoreNLP pipeline) {
this.pipelineCoreDocumentAnnotations = new MapMaker().concurrencyLevel(2).makeMap();
this.str = hlstatsStrMap.get(0);
this.nlp = pipeline;
this.hlstatsStrMap = hlstatsStrMap;
public RecursiveDocumentAnnotation(ConcurrentMap<Integer, String> hlstatsStrMap, StanfordCoreNLP pipeline,
ConcurrentMap<String, CoreDocument> returnMap) {
this.str = hlstatsStrMap.get(returnMap.size());
this.nlp = pipeline;
this.hlstatsStrMap = hlstatsStrMap;
this.pipelineCoreDocumentAnnotations = returnMap;
protected ConcurrentMap<String, CoreDocument> compute() {
CoreDocument coreDocument = new CoreDocument(str);
pipelineCoreDocumentAnnotations.put(str, coreDocument);
System.out.println("hlstatsStrMap size: " + hlstatsStrMap.size() + "\npipelineCoreDocumentAnnotations size: " + pipelineCoreDocumentAnnotations.size()
+ "\n");
if (pipelineCoreDocumentAnnotations.size() >= hlstatsStrMap.size()) {
return pipelineCoreDocumentAnnotations;
RecursiveDocumentAnnotation recursiveAnnotation = new RecursiveDocumentAnnotation(hlstatsStrMap, nlp, pipelineCoreDocumentAnnotations);
return recursiveAnnotation.join();
} }
Time parallel1: 336562 ms.
Time parallel4: 391556 ms.
Time parallel7: 491639 ms.
What honnestly would be the greatest would be if the pipeline by itself could do the multi annotation somehow, however as long as I would not know how to achieve this I hope somebody could perharps explain me how to optimize the CoreDocument annotations individually. PS: Mashing all the strings together into a single coredocument for annotation would also not be what i want since i need the Coredocuments individually for comparrisions afterwards.
I didn't time this, but you could try this sample code (add test Strings to the list of Strings)...it should work on 4 documents at the same time:
package edu.stanford.nlp.examples;
import edu.stanford.nlp.pipeline.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.function.*;
import java.util.stream.*;
public class MultiThreadStringExample {
public static class AnnotationCollector<T> implements Consumer<T> {
List<T> annotations = new ArrayList<T>();
public void accept(T ann) {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
Properties props = new Properties();
props.setProperty("annotators", "tokenize,ssplit,pos,lemma,ner,depparse");
props.setProperty("threads", "4");
StanfordCoreNLP pipeline = new StanfordCoreNLP(props);
AnnotationCollector<Annotation> annCollector = new AnnotationCollector<Annotation>();
List<String> exampleStrings = new ArrayList<String>();
for (String exampleString : exampleStrings) {
pipeline.annotate(new Annotation(exampleString), annCollector);
List<CoreDocument> coreDocs =
annCollector.annotations.stream().map(ann -> new CoreDocument(ann)).collect(Collectors.toList());
for (CoreDocument coreDoc : coreDocs) {