I have multiple components run inside *ngFor on the same page. I want to have several button links on the top of the page which can scroll to the component once clicked.
Here are the codes I am trying to follow.
in html file:
<button (click)="scroll(target)"></button>
<div #target>Your target</div>
and in the ts file:
scroll(el: HTMLElement) {
but I don't know how could I reference to each of the component selector
Here are some of my code without implementing the above code yet:
//There will be many buttons to link to each of the component.
<button type="button" (click)="scroll()">Click this button to navigate</button>
<div *ngFor="let appdata of appData">
<app-details [value]="appdata"></app-details>
The 'appdata' is a json variable including attributes like appID (which could uniquely identify the component), title, description, etc.
Please advice how can I reference the components and maybe suggest how to implement it. Thank You!!
To scroll to an element we can use the window.scrollTo(xpos, ypos) function provided by javascript.
you could do like this
first, declare a variable that refers to the window Object
then define the scroll functionality
where component parameter points to the specific element. and component.offsetTop gives the y position of that element.
and in the HTML,
<span *ngFor="let target of win.document.getElementsByTagName('app-details');let i=index" >
<button (click)="scroll(target)" > Go TO {{i}}</button></span>