I have a piece of python code running in GCE that trains a simple keras model on some images. I also provided the tensorboard callback. Now I want to view the output of this tensorboard log. How do I go about this since the tensorboard log files are on GCE?
I run tensorboard -logdir logs
and I get the output:
TensorBoard 1.7.0 at http://instance_1:6006 (Press CTRL+C to quit)
Putting the address into the browser didn't work and I am wondering if it would be possible to view this output.
My recommendation is expose the tensorboard port to the public and block the access on the firewall for only access with your IP.
For doing that you need to create a firewall rule for the instance that allows your public IP access to the TCP port 6006. You have a guide for adding firewall rules on GCP here.
Now execute the following command to expose the tensorboard port:
tensorboard --logdir --host --port 6006
You can ensure that the port is exposed using $ netstat -plunt
Now go to http://$PUBLIC_IP_OF_instance_1:6006