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Vuex: Call getters from action

Is there a way for a dispatch/action to call a getter inside of it?

mutations: {
    setData(state, data) { = data;
actions: {
    sendDataToServer({ commit }, payload) {
        // call getter (data) and assign to variable
        // do async functions from the data returned
getters: {
    getAppData: state => () => {

So what's the best practice here? Using the mutation to change the state and then get the state and pass it to action which will then execute the async function or do I need to restructure my implementation?

call mutation -> get the data via getter -> call action


do it all on the action (do mutation on the action and do the action/async method without the need of the getter)?


  • In addition to commit, actions has default injected parameters which are dispatch, getters and rootGetters. So you can simply write;

    sendDataToServer({ commit, getters }, payload) to access getters.