Some very much time-consuming jobs, BIG0
, BIG1
, etc. and a bunch of small fast jobs fast0
, fast1
, etc.
Assume, that the BIG*
jobs take 2 hours, and the fast*
jobs take 1 hour. How can I instruct GNU Parallel to distribute the jobs over time and cores as follows
time[h] CPU[0] CPU[1]
1 : :
2 fast0 fast1
and not as shown below?
time[h] CPU[0] CPU[1]
0 BIG0 fast0
1 : fast1
2 BIG1
3 :
The last setup would take one hour longer.
One possible approach might be to sort your jobs by expected time, before submitting to GNU Parallel, big ones first:
parallel ... ::: BIG* fast*