I want to find the difference between two time stamps based on finding the time stamp in one column based on a condition, "Start", and then finding the time stamp for the first row that meets another condition in that same column, "Stop". Basically we used a program to "start" a behavior and "stop" a behavior so we could calculate the duration of the behavior.
I've tried adapting the code found in this post: subtract value from previous row by group
but I can't figure out how to get the lead to work on meeting a condition in upcoming rows for the same column. It's complicated by the fact that there can be "event" behaviors that have a "start" but no "stop". Example data frame.
Behavior Modifier_1 Time_relative_s
BodyLength Start 122.11
Growl Start 129.70
Body Length Stop 132.26
Body Length Start 157.79
Body Length Stop 258.85
Body Length Start 270.12
Bark Start 272.26
Growl Start 275.68
Body Length Stop 295.37
and I want this:
Behavior Modifier_1 Time_relative_s diff
BodyLength Start 122.11 10.15
Growl Start 129.70
Body Length Stop 132.26
Body Length Start 157.79 101.06
Body Length Stop 258.85
Body Length Start 270.12 25.25
Bark Start 272.26
Growl Start 275.68
Body Length Stop 295.37
I've tried using dplyr pipes:
filter(Modifier_1 %in% c("Start","Stop")) %>%
arrange(Time_Relative_s) %>%
mutate(diff = lead(Time_Relative_s, default = first(Time_Relative_s=="Stop")-Time-Relative_s)
But I must not be using lead right because this just returns the Time_Relative_s for me in the diff column. Any suggestions? Thanks for the help!
We may need to create a grouping variable based on the occurrence of 'stop' and then get the difference of 'Time_relative_s' that corresponds to the location of first 'Start', 'Stop' values in 'Modifier_1'
df1 %>%
group_by(grp = cumsum(lag(Modifier_1 == "Stop", default = FALSE))) %>%
mutate(diff = Time_relative_s[match("Stop", Modifier_1)] -
Time_relative_s[match("Start", Modifier_1)],
diff = replace(diff, row_number() > 1, NA_real_)) %>%
ungroup %>%
# A tibble: 9 x 4
# Behavior Modifier_1 Time_relative_s diff
# <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl>
#1 BodyLength Start 122. 10.1
#2 Growl Start 130. NA
#3 Body Length Stop 132. NA
#4 Body Length Start 158. 101.
#5 Body Length Stop 259. NA
#6 Body Length Start 270. 25.2
#7 Bark Start 272. NA
#8 Growl Start 276. NA
#9 Body Length Stop 295. NA
df1 <- structure(list(Behavior = c("BodyLength", "Growl", "Body Length",
"Body Length", "Body Length", "Body Length", "Bark", "Growl",
"Body Length"), Modifier_1 = c("Start", "Start", "Stop", "Start",
"Stop", "Start", "Start", "Start", "Stop"), Time_relative_s = c(122.11,
129.7, 132.26, 157.79, 258.85, 270.12, 272.26, 275.68, 295.37
)), row.names = c(NA, -9L), class = "data.frame")