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Find the modified java files between two branches after a date in git

I am trying to find all the modified java file between two branches after the 1st of April. I could find all the modified java files with the following command. Is there anyway to apply date filter as well? Thanks

git --no-pager diff --name-only feature_branch..master | grep .java


Thanks @romainvaleri. I used the following command to identify the modified Java files.

git log --since="1st April" --name-only --pretty=format:"" feature_barnch..master -- *.java | sort -u | sed 's/.*\///' 


  • I'd rather use git log here for its convenient options :

    git log --since="1st April" --name-only --pretty=format:"" feature_branch..master -- *.java

    Where :

    --since=<date> lets you set the date filter¹
    --name-only shows only changed file names in place of changes
    --pretty=format:"" suppresses all output (namely, commit info) but the diff
    feature_branch..master sets the range of commits to cover
    and finally
    -- *.java filters along file names

    Then, if in bash context, you'll probably want to cure the list with | sort and | uniq

    git log --since="1st April" --name-only --pretty=format:"" feature_branch..master -- *.java | sort | uniq

    ¹ (which could have been relative, let's say --since="one month ago")