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Is it possible to get track previews using MusicKit

I want to integrate Apple Music into my app, however I don’t want people to have to log in to Apple Music. I just want to get the preview tracks of songs.

Is that possible?


  • It is possible to use the Apple Music API to retrieve a song's 30-second preview without the user needing to log in.

    1. Get a developer token

    2. Issue a request for a song

    3. Parse the response to get a Song previews URL

    4. Playback the song with a streaming media player (e.g. Howler)

    Example with cURL:

    curl -X GET \
      '' \
      -H 'Authorization: Bearer eyJhbG...'
        "results": {
            "songs": {
                "href": "/v1/catalog/us/search?limit=5&term=drake&types=songs",
                "next": "/v1/catalog/us/search?offset=5&term=drake&types=songs",
                "data": [
                        "id": "1384782182",
                        "type": "songs",
                        "href": "/v1/catalog/us/songs/1384782182",
                        "attributes": {
                            "previews": [
                                    "url": ""

    You can play the preview using the browser if you want to: