I created a Custom Cell to replace UITableViewSectionHeader
with a protocol to process when UISegmentedControl.index
is changed so i can order the table by name or value:
import UIKit
protocol OrdenarTableViewDelegate {
func ordenarTableView(cell: OrdenarTableViewCell)
class OrdenarTableViewCell: UITableViewCell {
var delegate: OrdenarTableViewDelegate?
@IBOutlet weak var segmentedOrdenar: UISegmentedControl!
@IBAction func alteraOrdenacao(sender: UISegmentedControl) {
On the UITableViewControler I referenced the protocol
class SelecionadasTableViewController: UITableViewController, UITextFieldDelegate, OrdenarTableViewDelegate {
and implemented it:
// MARK: - Ordenar Delegate
func ordenarTableView(cell: OrdenarTableViewCell) {
if cell.segmentedOrdenar.selectedSegmentIndex == 0 {
listaCervejas = bancoDeDados.selecionaCervejas(false)
} else {
listaCervejas = bancoDeDados.selecionaCervejas(true)
ordenarCervejas = cell.segmentedOrdenar.selectedSegmentIndex
When I select the index 1, the app works just fine, but when index 0 is selected the action is only performed if click on a UITextField
on any other cell or I pull the table down for refreshing (which by the way is not implemented to refresh)
Is there anything that I'm missing? Because it just feels really awkward.
without touching nowhere else on the screen...I actually found the solution. You can drag the IBAction to the tableViewController instead. Then it works just fine!! Thank you all for the help.