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How to add a new custom button for ng2-smart-table

I'm using ng2-smart-table as a table in my project.You can see it in below.

enter image description here

However I want to add a custom button named view for this at end of the each row of table. As well as I want to open a new component when click the view button. Then what i should do for this. I tried as follows. but not success.

add: {
  addButtonContent: '<i class="nb-plus"></i>',
  createButtonContent: '<i class="nb-checkmark"></i>',
  cancelButtonContent: '<i class="nb-close"></i>',
  confirmCreate: true
edit: {
  editButtonContent: '<i class="nb-edit"></i>',
  saveButtonContent: '<i class="nb-checkmark"></i>',
  cancelButtonContent: '<i class="nb-close"></i>',
  confirmSave: true
delete: {
  deleteButtonContent: '<i class="nb-trash"></i>',
  confirmDelete: true


  • Define settings like this.

    settings = {
        columns: {
          name: {
            title: 'Title',
          description: {
            title: 'Description',
          customColumn: {
            title: 'Actions',
            type: 'custom',
            filter: false,
            renderComponent: MyCustomComponent,
            onComponentInitFunction(instance) {
              //do stuff with component
              instance..subscribe(data=> console.log(data))

    And define new button component like this,

      selector: 'll-button-comp',
      template: ` <button (click)="click.emit(rowData)"> my button</button> `
    export class MyCustomComponent implements OnInit{
      @Input() rowData: any;
      @Output() click:EventEmitter<any> = new EventEmitter(this.rowData);

    Note that rowData (object of the selected row) is passed to the component which rows that instance belongs