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What is the difference between $ip and iptables in Linux?

I am doing a project on securing a Linux system. We are going into VI to change a script for what the system allows. It is partially completed.

In the screenshot below, you can see that it has been filled out to allow port 22, but the line starts with $ip. The statement we use begins with iptables. Are these the same command? Or do they mean something totally different?

I wasn't able to find much online to explain the difference.



  • iptables is a command. Each line in the script that begins with iptables runs the iptables command.

    $ip is an environment variable that presumably contains the name of a command to run. Each line in the script that begins with $ip runs the command whose name is contained in the $ip variable.

    You're asking us to tell you what your variable is set to. We have no idea.