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How do I pass Variants as props to React Components in ReasonML?

I have tried the following approach to be able to send variants as props.

type ipAddr =
  | IPV4
  | IPV8;

let make = () => {
  let appData = Data.tileData;
  <div className="App">
    <header className="flex outline justify-between" />
    <Content selected={ipAddr.IPV4} appData />

But it throws the error,

ninja: error: rebuilding '': subcommand failed

I have tried sending variants directly to Component as well.

  <div className="App">
    <header className="flex outline justify-between" />
    <Content selected=IPV4 appData />

But it ended up returning another error

Start compiling ninja: error: dependency cycle: src/App-ReactHooksTemplate.cmj -> src/Content-ReactHooksTemplate.cmj -> src/App-ReactHooksTemplate.cmj Finish compiling(exit: 1)

Where am I going wrong?


  • I have solved this another way. Instead of passing the variant as prop, I simply rendered different components based on variant value.

    let make = () => {
      let appData = Data.tileData;
      switch (selected) {
      | IPV4 =>
          <IPV4Renderer appData />
      | IPV6 =>
          <IPV6Renderer appData />