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Karate- Need help to assert a single dimension array for date range

I am trying to assert the values inside a single dimensional array. I have tried using match but it looks like the date ranges cannot be asserted.

Below is the object array:


I am trying to assert each values between the following date ranges:


I have tried the following but none works:

* match dateCreated == '#[]? _.value >= fromDate'
 * eval for(var i = 0; i <; i++) dateCreated.add([i].DateCreated)  karate.assert(dateCreated[i] >= fromDate)

Any hint/tip on how to go about it.


  • Here you go:

    * def dateToLong =
    function(s) {
      var SimpleDateFormat = Java.type('java.text.SimpleDateFormat');
      var sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS");
      return sdf.parse(s).time;
    * def min = dateToLong('2019-04-24T17:25:00.000')
    * def max = dateToLong('2019-04-24T17:50:00.000')
    * def isValid = function(x){ var temp = dateToLong(x); return temp >= min && temp <= max }
    * def response =
    * match each response == '#? isValid(_)'

    Please refer the docs if you have doubts about any of the keywords. I removed the first date in the list because it was not consistent, but you have enough info to handle it if needed - you may need some conditional logic somewhere.

    Also see: