I have a data set with several lines of projects, each have start and end dates.
I would like these to be visualized in a gantt chart. For that I have used the scatterplot, but im not able to get the line in from start to end date.
Am I missing something?
Data looks similar to this:
I have tried this, but it doesn't solve my issue: https://community.tibco.com/wiki/tibco-spotfirer-tipstricks-how-create-gantt-chart-visualization
I have tried to make a calculated column with days of duration along with playing with the line connection function.
the easiest way to do this is massage your data such that you have the Start and End dates in a single column. You can accomplish this by unpivoting the data table (pass through project and transform start and end date).
After that, you can create a scatter plot with the new table, putting the newly created value column on the X axis and the project on the Y axis.