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How to concat a json arrays objects values in SQLite

As part of a larger select query I need to extract the values from an json array's objects as a comma separated string.

I have managed to get the json array out of the json object:

SELECT * FROM (SELECT json_extract(Site.Login, '$.Uris') FROM Site);

Second variant giving the same result:

SELECT value FROM json_each(Site.Login), Site WHERE json_each.key = 'Uris';

A test with a single row giving the wanted result:

SELECT group_concat(json_extract(value, '$.Uri')) as login_uri FROM json_each('[{"Uri":""},{"Uri":""},{"Uri":""}]');

I am lost in the matrix. I have tried to various ways of combining the query code above, but I can not make any headway.

An example of a Site.Login cell. The number of Uri objects can be from 0 to infinite.

    "Uris": [
    "Username": "ghhhhhhhhhhhhhfgggggggggggggggg",
    "Password": "hgfhfghfghfgh",
    "PasswordRevisionDate": "2019-01-07T21:51:42.65Z",
    "Totp": "gffffffffffffffffffffffhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhfghghgfh",
    "Name": "hgfhfghfghfghfgh",
    "PasswordHistory": [
            "Password": "ghfghfghfghfghfg",
            "LastUsedDate": "2019-01-07T21:51:42.65Z"

The full layout of the Site table:

"Id" varchar primary key not null ,
"FolderId" varchar ,
"UserId" varchar ,
"OrganizationId" varchar ,
"Name" varchar ,
"Notes" varchar ,
"Fields" varchar ,
"PasswordHistory" varchar ,
"Login" varchar ,
"Card" varchar ,
"Identity" varchar ,
"SecureNote" varchar ,
"Favorite" integer ,
"Edit" integer ,
"OrganizationUseTotp" integer ,
"RevisionDateTime" bigint ,
"Type" integer ,
"Data" varchar )

The select query should return a column named login_uri containing the extracted json array objects values as a concatenated string:,,


  • You're very close!

    SELECT group_concat(json_extract(j.value, '$.Uri')) AS login_uri
    FROM site AS s
    JOIN json_each(json_extract(s.login, '$.Uris')) AS j



    If you want each row in the table to give a result row, instead of all uris in the entire table being concatenated together into a single string, add a GROUP BY to the end.