I have the the code below which visualizes a network using the r package visNetwork
visNetwork(nodes = node,edge)%>%
visOptions(highlightNearest=T, nodesIdSelection = T) %>%
# Specify that hover interaction and on-screen button navigations are active
visInteraction(hover = T, navigationButtons = T) %>%
visIgraphLayout(randomSeed = 997)
If you remove the last line
visIgraphLayout(randomSeed = 997)
the network visualization is correct
but when added I lose some of the edges.
I need the visIgraphLayout()
function as it makes my real network looks nicer and also reproduces much faster. Why does this happen?Possible solutions?
A compromise is to assign the smooth property to from-to combinations with multiple edges, but not to others. In my case this significantly improved the speed of plotting. I am using data.table and visNetwork by the way.
##assign smooth property where multiple edges
edge_list[, N := .N, by = c("from", "to")]
edge_list[N > 1, smooth := T]
edge_list[N == 1, smooth := F]
visNetwork(nodes = node_list,
edges = edge_list[, .(from, to, smooth)]) %>%
visNodes(physics = F) %>%
visIgraphLayout(randomSeed = 951)
Sorry for the non-reproducible example, but hopefully useful.