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NuGet nuspec dependency - how to include a private NuGet gallery

Fixed - see Sara Lui's link to document in comments.

I have created several NuGet packages which are available on our private Corporate NuGet gallery.

Several of these packages are dependent upon one common package.

However, when I add this to my Nuspec file:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<package >
      <dependency id="MyCommonPackage" version="1.0">

Then it fails to install because it can't find "MyCommonPackage" - it's not looking for it in our corporate gallery:



Visual Studio has this gallery referenced, but I suspect I need to reference it in the nuspec file (just not seeing how to do this).


  • I fixed it by referring to link provided by @Sara Lui:

    please check this doc: and make sure the required file 'MyCommonPackage' is under the folder structure before we run the nuget pack command to generate the .nupkg file.

    I removed the package references, deleted the folders from the NuGet gallery and then re-published them from the bottom-up. This time it just worked like a dream (with no changes apart from re-publishing).