I have a group project in which we are creating a shopping cart application. I got some feedback and fixed it, turning it into a procedure with a cursor. However, we are still getting errors that I do not know how to fix, such as trying to put a null value into a table column that cannot be null. I do not know why it thinks I am trying to input a null value. Our project is due tomorrow so please help!
I tried it as a trigger at first but it was not working so it was suggested to turn it into a procedure with cursor so I did that.
create or replace PROCEDURE CANCELCART (arg_cart_id IN number)
ws_prod_id number;
ws_item_quantity_in_cart number;
ws_cart_id number;
ws_cart_status char;
cursor cancel IS
select item_product_id, item_quantity_in_cart
FROM sc_items i
WHERE item_cart_id = arg_cart_id
group by item_product_id;
alreadycancelled exception;
select max(cart_id) into ws_cart_id
from sc_cart
where arg_cart_id = cart_id;
/*cart check*/
select max(cart_status) into ws_cart_status
from sc_cart
where arg_cart_id = cart_id;
if ws_cart_id is null
then raise alreadycancelled;
end if;
open cancel;
fetch cancel into ws_prod_id, ws_item_quantity_in_cart;
UPDATE sc_product p SET prod_quan_avail = prod_quan_avail + ws_quantity_in_cart,
prod_quan_sold = prod_quan_sold - ws_quantity_in_cart
WHERE prod_id = ws_prod_id;
DELETE FROM sc_items i WHERE i.item_cart_id = arg_cart_id;
close cancel;
DELETE FROM sc_cart c WHERE c.cart_id = arg_cart_id;
when alreadycancelled
then raise_application_error(-20400, 'Cart does not exist');
I need this code to cancel a shopping cart and return all of the item quantities back to the original stock.
There's no much missing part for your code block, except define ws_quantity_in_cart
variable with a data type, and add more handling for other type of exceptions than which's already included (ORA-20400
CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE CANCELCART( arg_cart_id sc_cart.cart_id%type ) IS
ws_prod_id sc_product.prod_id%type;
ws_item_quantity_in_cart sc_product.prod_quan_avail%type;
ws_cart_id sc_cart.cart_id%type;
ws_cart_status sc_cart.cart_status%type;
ws_quantity_in_cart sc_product.prod_quan_sold%type;
cursor cancel IS
select item_product_id, item_quantity_in_cart
from sc_items i
where item_cart_id = arg_cart_id
group by item_product_id;
alreadycancelled exception;
select max(cart_id)
into ws_cart_id
from sc_cart
where arg_cart_id = cart_id;
/*cart check*/
select max(cart_status)
into ws_cart_status
from sc_cart
where arg_cart_id = cart_id;
if ws_cart_id is null
then raise alreadycancelled;
end if;
open cancel;
fetch cancel into ws_prod_id, ws_item_quantity_in_cart;
update sc_product p
set prod_quan_avail = prod_quan_avail + ws_quantity_in_cart,
prod_quan_sold = prod_quan_sold - ws_quantity_in_cart
where prod_id = ws_prod_id;
delete sc_items i where i.item_cart_id = arg_cart_id;
end loop;
close cancel;
delete sc_cart c where c.cart_id = arg_cart_id;
exception when alreadycancelled then raise_application_error(-20400, 'Cart does not exist');
when others then raise_application_error(SQLCODE,SQLERRM);
Prefer Using column's original data types by <table_name>.<column_name>.%type
to define the data types of variables, and never use fixed-length string-type variable of type char
, use varchar2