I've got a pseudocode for making a recursive version of a bubble sort function. I've been trying to convert it into a working function in python but am having a hard time doing it. Here's the pseudocode:
def bsort(L):
if the length of L is less than or equal to 1:
return L
bubble sort the tail of L (all elements of L except the first) to get a sorted list called T
if the head (first element) of L is less than or equal to the head T:
return a list formed by joining the ehad of L with T
combine the head of L and the tail of T to get a list called P
bubble sort P to get a list called Q
return a list formed by joining the head of T with Q
Here's the code which I've made with the help of the pseudocode
def bsort(L):
if len(L)<=1:
return L
T= bsort(L[1:])
if L[0]<=T[0]:
return (L[0] if type(L[0]) is list else [L[0]]) + (T[0] if type(T[0]) is list else [T[0]])
P= (L[0] if type(L[0]) is list else [L[0]]) + (T[1:] if type(T[1:]) is list else [T[1:]])
Q= bsort(P)
return (T[0] if type(T[0]) is list else [T[0]]) + (Q if type(Q) is list else [Q])
When I use a list like [14,26,83,17,87]
and use the bsort([14,26,83,17,87])
function it gives an output [14,17]
. Shouldn't the output for this bubble sort function be [14, 17, 26, 83, 87]
. I don't understand what I'm missing. Any help would be appreciated.
I don't understand why you have complicated this so much but this should work ;)
def bsort(L):
if len(L) <= 1:
return L
T = bsort(L[1:])
if L[0] <= T[0]:
return [L[0]] + T
P = [L[0]] + T[1:]
Q = bsort(P)
return [T[0]] + Q
The mistake was in return after if L[0] <= T[0]: condition because you return 2 list heads instead of head and a tail.