Search code examples

Apple Search Ads returning error while "groupBy" clause

I have setup a tool to query the Apple Search Ads API, the documentation for which can be found here. One can pass a "groupBy" clause to the request, like so:

curl -X POST  \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json'  \
-H 'Authorization: orgId=1056160'  \
-E pem.pem --key key.key \
-d '{"selector": {"pagination": {"limit": 10, "offset": 0}, "orderBy": [{"sortOrder": "DESCENDING", "field": "campaignId"}]}, "returnRecordsWithNoMetrics": false, "granularity": "DAILY", "returnRowTotals": false, "timeZone": "UTC", "endTime": "2019-03-27", "startTime": "2019-02-27", "groupBy": "countryCode"}' \
| python -m json.tool

and expect back data grouped by countryCode.

However, since 23 April, 2019, the API began to return an error:

    "data": null,
    "error": {
        "errors": [
                "field": "Line#:1 Column#:292",
                "message": "This is an invalid request. At least one field format is not readable by the system.",
                "messageCode": "INVALID_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE"
    "pagination": null

I tried looking for help online but have come short so far. Any help will be greatly appreciated.


  • What reporting endpoint are you hitting?


    If it's campaigns endpoint, try this payload:

        "startTime": "2019-02-27",
        "endTime": "2019-03-27",
        "granularity": "DAILY",
        "selector": {
            "orderBy": [
                    "field": "campaignId",
                    "sortOrder": "DESCENDING"
            "conditions": [
            "pagination": {
                "offset": 0,
                "limit": 10
         "groupBy": [
        "timeZone": "UTC",
        "returnRecordsWithNoMetrics": false,
        "returnRowTotals": false,
        "returnGrandTotals": false