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while connect to firebase get NameError: name 'request' is not defined

I have a final project so i need some help for showing the temperature sensor with firebase, I am using Raspberry Pi B+ and a DS18B20 sensor, i wrote all the commands of firebase and it stays only the last step which is when i connect to firebase from the computer i must found the temperature. Anyone can help me with this? Thanks.

Copy from comment: I cant copy all the code here because its too long :

import os, glob, time, calendar, json  
from urllib.request import urlopen 

while True: 
    url = '' 
    postdata = { 'datetime': str(calendar.timegm(time.gmtime())), 'sensorId': "1", 'tempRecord': str(read_temp()) } 

    req = Request(url) 
    data = json.dumps(postdata) 
    response = urlopen(req,data)

the error:

req = request(url) NameError: name 'request' is not defined 


  • The statement from urllib.request import urlopen imports only urlopen. If you want to call Request, then you need to either specifically import Request, or import the whole urllib.request module (and then call Request as urllib.request.Request).