I'm trying to create the following methods to retrieve an array of ObjectId from a child array.
GetStorageRoomIds(ObjectId locationId)
GetStorageSectionIds(ObjectId locationId, ObjectId roomId)
GetStorageShelfIds(ObjectId locationId, ObjectId roomId, ObjectId sectionId)
GetStorageSlotIds(ObjectId locationId, ObjectId roomId, ObjectId sectionId, ObjectId shelfId)
(this one may not be as difficult because it is already an array of ObjectId)
Each method should return an IEnumerable<ObjectId>
containing an array of the id
property of the appropriate array. I realize I could just get the entire document for every list but I would prefer a more efficient and elegant solution using the MongoDB c# driver.
This is an example document:
"_id" : ObjectId("5cb2271a4bd93c0dec4db163"),
"StorageRooms" : [
"_id" : ObjectId("5cb49adc36ad6719bf947103"),
"StorageSections" : [ ]
"_id" : ObjectId("5cb49afa36ad6719bf947106"),
"StorageSections" : [
"_id" : ObjectId("5cb49bb8c40cd319cb2511ae"),
"StorageShelves" : [ ]
"_id" : ObjectId("5cb49bb8c40cd319cb2511af"),
"StorageShelves" : [
"_id" : ObjectId("5cb49bfe8d259019d9207f48"),
"StorageSlotIds" : [ ]
"_id" : ObjectId("5cb49bfe8d259019d9207f49"),
"StorageSlotIds" : [ ]
"_id" : ObjectId("5cb49afa36ad6719bf947107"),
"StorageSections" : [ ]
The above methods should return the following array, using the above example document as the input data. (assuming it is the only one in the collection):
-> ["5cb2271a4bd93c0dec4db163"]
-> ["5cb49adc36ad6719bf947103,"5cb49afa36ad6719bf947106", "5cb49afa36ad6719bf947107"]
-> ["5cb49bb8c40cd319cb2511ae","5cb49bb8c40cd319cb2511af"]
So far, I've been able to write the first one: GetStorageLocationIds
. This is the code seems to work well:
public async Task<IEnumerable<ObjectId>> GetAllDocumentIdsAsync(string database, string collection,
CancellationToken cancellationToken)
return (await _mongoContext.MongoClient.GetDatabase(database).GetCollection<T>(collection)
.Find(new BsonDocument())
.Project(new BsonDocument {{"_id", 1}})
.ToListAsync(cancellationToken)).Select(x => x[0].AsObjectId);
When it comes to the next one, I tried using ProjectionDefinition
but all it did was return the document id
instead of each id
in the StorageRooms
public async Task<IEnumerable<ObjectId>> GetStorageRoomIdsAsync(ObjectId id, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
var filter = Builders<StorageLocation>.Filter.And(
Builders<StorageLocation>.Filter.Where(location => location.Id == id));
var projectionDefinition = Builders<StorageLocation>.Projection.Include(location => location.StorageRooms);
var projectionResult = await ProjectAsync(filter, projectionDefinition, cancellationToken);
return projectionResult.Select(x => x[0].AsObjectId);
After some attempts at using aggregation, I believe it will work with Unwind
but I'm lost at how to implement this in c# correctly. Thanks in advance for any help.
Edit Note: ObjectId and string are used exchangeably in this question for brevity. I use AutoMapper for my actual project
The answer from micki worked for GetStorageRoomIds
. I'm now trying to use the following code for GetStorageSectionIds
but get an error:
return from location in AsQueryable()
where location.Id == id
from room in location.StorageRooms
where room.Id == roomId
from section in room.StorageSections
select section.Id;
The error is here
For queries like this you can run AsQueryable()
on your IMongoCollection
and then use LINQ syntax like below:
var storageRoomIds = from location in Col.AsQueryable()
where location.Id == locationId
from room in location.StorageRooms
select room.Id;
You can also turn on MongoDB profiler to see that it will be translated into
"pipeline" : [
"$match" : {
"_id" : ObjectId("5cb2271a4bd93c0dec4db163")
"$unwind" : "$StorageRooms"
"$project" : {
"_id" : "$StorageRooms._id"
So you have both simple C# code and efficient MongoDB query
EDIT: for level below you can still use LINQ syntax:
var rooms = from location in Col.AsQueryable()
where location.Id == locationId
from room in location.StorageRooms
select new
roomId = room.Id,
storageIds = room.StorageSections.Select(x => x.Id)
var storageIds = from room in rooms
where room.roomId == roomId
from storageId in room.storageIds
select storageId;
var result = storageIds.ToList();
and this gets translated into:
"pipeline" : [
"$match" : {
"_id" : ObjectId("5cb2271a4bd93c0dec4db163")
"$unwind" : "$StorageRooms"
"$project" : {
"roomId" : "$StorageRooms._id",
"storageIds" : "$StorageRooms.StorageSections._id",
"_id" : 0
"$match" : {
"roomId" : ObjectId("5cb49afa36ad6719bf947106")
"$unwind" : "$storageIds"
"$project" : {
"storageIds" : "$storageIds",
"_id" : 0