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What is SharedInstance actually?

What is sharedInstance actually? I mean what is the usage?

Currently I'm having some problem in communicating between 2 different files.

Here's my question:

I have 1 file call A.h/A.m and another file call B.h/B.m. A.h need to access some of the data in B.h, so .... is there any possible way I could achieve what I want?

Just wonder is it "SharedInstance" able to solve my problem?


  • sharedInstance could be used for several ways.

    For example you can access an object from a static context. Actually it is used most ways for supporting the Singleton-pattern. That means that just one object of the class is used in your whole program code, just one instance at all.

    Interface can look like:

    @interface ARViewController
    @property (nonatomic, retain) NSString *ARName;
    + (ARViewController *) sharedInstance;

    Implementation ARViewController:

    @implementation ARViewController
    static id _instance
    @synthesize ARName;
    - (id) init
        if (_instance == nil)
            _instance = [[super allocWithZone:nil] init];
        return _instance;
    + (ARViewController *) sharedInstance
        if (!_instance)
            return [[ARViewController alloc] init];
        return _instance;

    And to access it, use the following in class CustomARFunction:

    #import "ARViewController.h"
    @implementation CustomARFunction.m
    - (void) yourMethod
        [ARViewController sharedInstance].ARName = @"New Name";