I want to test the Web API of a system which has also a CLI accessible via a telnet connection. The tests must verify that the response given to the API requests matches the output of commands given to the CLI. The problem is that as far as I know there's no way to initiate a telnet connection from inside a postman script.
What will be the best way to achieve this? Maybe postman is not the best tool for this job?
What will be the best way to achieve this?
A dedicated script written in NodeJS or any other programming language with or without help of some test framework like Jest \ karma. For sure not Postman.
You can use Postman to run the above mentioned script with pre-request script
but it just make the all process much more complicated. Almost any modern script language will give you the option to send http request, no need to use postman.
Maybe postman is not the best tool for this job?
You are right, it's not.