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Write mouse coordinates and mouse clicks with timestamps to file?

I'm trying to create a bash script that records the location of the mouse every 5 milliseconds. I also want to record the timestamps and locations of mouse-clicks.

Recording the mouse location has been easy with xdotool getmouselocation. I've been able to record mouse clicks using some of the suggestions here: However, I've not been able to combine the two.

Is there any way to accomplish this? Thank you in advance!


  • In accepted answer of have an example to get mouse status change. With little modification you get print the mouse location upon mouse button down.

    @Gem Taylor mentioned using script language for this is not an optional way.

    During test run, I experienced cases when clicks are not get captured.

    MOUSE_ID=$(xinput --list | grep -i -m 1 'mouse' | grep -o 'id=[0-9]\+' | grep -o '[0-9]\+')
    STATE1=$(xinput --query-state $MOUSE_ID | grep 'button\['"."'\]=down' | sort)
    while true; do
            sleep 0.005
            STATE2=$(xinput --query-state $MOUSE_ID | grep 'button\['"."'\]=down' | sort)
            CLICK=$(comm -13 <(echo "$STATE1") <(echo "$STATE2"))
            if [[ -n $CLICK ]]; then
                    echo "$CLICK"
                    xinput --query-state $MOUSE_ID | grep 'valuator\['