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Creating a Moq of a static extension method from LLBLGen

i'm trying to use Moq to mock an extension method from the IDataAccessAdapter interface from LLBLGen. Here is FetchQueryAsync the extension method.

Doing so gave me the error that i can't Mock static extension methods. However there is no way i can change the code. So i tried creating a wrapper class, yet i had no success doing that either because i do not know how to apply it.

In the method Fetch, i want FetchQueryAsync to return an object i specified during the test and not actually execute the query.

public class QueryHandler
    private IDataAccessAdapterProvider dataAccessAdapterProvider;
    public QueryHandler(IDataAccessAdapterProvider provider)
        this.dataAccessAdapterProvider = provider;

    private async Task<T> Fetch(DynamicQuery<T> query)
        using (IDataAccessAdapter adapter = dataAccessAdapterProvider.Provide()
            result = await adapter.FetchQueryAsync(query)

public class DataAccessAdapterProvider : IDataAccessAdapterProvider
    public IDataAccessAdapter Provide()
    var adapter = new DataAccessAdapter();
    return adapter;

So in my Unit Test i have this:

List<int> il = new List<int>();

Mock<IDataAccessAdapterProvider> mock = new Mock<IDataAccessAdapterProvider>();

mock.Setup(m => m.Provide()

This won't work however because it's not supported. So i tried wrapping the method as such.

interface IWrap
    Task<List<TElement>> FetchQueryAsync<TElement>(IDataAccessAdapter adapter, DynamicQuery<TElement> query);

public class Wrap : IWrap
    public async Task<List<TElement>> FetchQueryAsync<TElement>(IDataAccessAdapter adapter, DynamicQuery<TElement> query)
        return await adapter.FetchQueryAsync(query);

How do i apply this wrapper with Moq to mock the interface?


  • You started with an extension method and then you created your IWrap interface along with an implementation that uses the extension method. That's perfect.

    Now all you need is to inject it into your class, just like IDataAccessAdapterProvider is already injected:

    public class QueryHandler
        private readonly IDataAccessAdapterProvider _dataAccessAdapterProvider;
        private readonly IWrap _wrap; //I'm assuming you'll want a different name.
        public QueryHandler(IDataAccessAdapterProvider provider, IWrap wrap)
            _dataAccessAdapterProvider = provider;
            _wrap = wrap;

    (I applied a common convention there. Prefixing the field names with an underscore - _wrap - means that the field and constructor arguments have different names, so you don't need to specify this.wrap. Plus when people see that underscore elsewhere they'll know it's a field.)

    Now you can mock the interface:

    var mock = new Mock<IWrap>();
    var returnedFromMock = new List<int> { 1, 2, 3 };
    mock.Setup(x => x.FetchQueryAsync<int>(It.IsAny<IDataAccessAdapter>(), It.IsAny<DynamicQuery<int>>()))

    You mentioned that there is no way you can change the code. I'm not sure which part you can't change, but if you can't change QueryHandler to replace its concrete dependencies then this may just be a cautionary tale about static dependencies.

    You have the source code, though. If you can't change the existing class, perhaps you can just create a new one from the existing source code. If someone asks why you duplicated an existing class, just say (tactfully) that you don't want to duplicate code - you'd rather fix the existing one so that it's testable.