I am trying to run the following query against the AWS Neptune.
g.V(1).project('id', 'type', 'properties') \
.by(id) \
.by(label) \
Calling it via HTTP request raises the following error
"requestId": "5eb536e9-017a-db82-9234-db5c556e386f",
"code": "MalformedQueryException",
"detailedMessage": "Failed to interpret Gremlin query: org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.process.traversal.step.map.PropertyMapStep cannot be cast to org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.process.traversal.step.ByModulating"
Using the gremlin-python client
gremlin_python.driver.protocol.GremlinServerError: 599: {"requestId":"11f7c020-f2d5-445a-b35a-ee531c31a7e3","code":"InternalFailureException","detailedMessage":"null:by([[UnfoldStep]])"}
How the query should look like? I am exhausted of finding out ways to modify the queries in order to be interpreted by Neptune.
Note that the query executes successfully in Gremlin console!
Found that the above query could be rewritten as
g.V(1).project('id', 'type', 'properties') \
.by(id) \
.by(label) \
However I am still confused why the original query does not work. It would be nice, if someone could explain that to me.