Not sure if it will be a duplicate question but i tried to find out stuff but not sure if i have similar situation like others. So i am new to docker and trying to setup a deployment for a small website.
So far i have a folder which has 3 files.
index.html - has basic html
Dockerfile - which has
FROM ubuntu:16.04
COPY . /var/www/html/
- docker-compose.yml - which has
version: '2.1'
build: .
image: myname/myapp:1.0.0
image: nginx
container_name: nginx
- ./host-volumes:/cont-volumes
network_mode: "host"
image: php-fpm:5.6
container_name: phpfpm56
- ./host-volumes:/cont-volumes
network_mode: "host"
image: mysql:5.7
container_name: mysql
- "3306:3306"
- mysql:/var/lib/mysql
Now i am using jenkins to create build, putting my all codes to host volumes to make it available to container and then i would run
docker-compose build
Now it creates an image and i push it to docker hub
Then i login to remote server and pull the image and run. But that wont work because i still need to run docker-compose up inside the container.
Is this the right approach or i am missing something here?
The standard way to do this is to copy your code into the image. Do not bind-mount host folders containing your code; instead, use a Dockerfile COPY
directive to copy in the application code (and in a compiled language, use a RUN
command to build it). For example, your PHP container might have a corresponding Dockerfile that looks like (referencing this base Dockerfile)
FROM php-fpm:5.6
# Base Dockerfile defines a sensible WORKDIR
COPY . .
# Base Dockerfile sets EXPOSE 9000
# Base Dockerfile defines ENTRYPOINT, CMD
Then your docker-compose.yml
would say, in part
version: '3'
build: .
image: me/phpfpm56:2019-04-30
# No other settings
And then your nginx configuration would say, in part (using the Docker Compose service name as a hostname)
fastcgi_pass phpfpm56:9000
If you use this in production you need to comment out the build:
lines I think.
If you're extremely set on a workflow where there is no hostname other than localhost
and you do not need to rebuild Docker images to update code, you at least need to restart (some of) your containers after you've done the code push.
docker-compose stop app phpfpm56
docker-compose up -d
You might look into a system-automation tool like Ansible or Chef to automate the code-push mechanism. Those same tools can also just install nginx and PHP, and if you're trying to avoid the Docker image build sequence, you might have a simpler installation and deployment system running servers directly on the host.