I'm creating a cross-platfrom app that has to display a PieChart on my home tab. Where can I find a complete example?
I try to follow this tutorial changing it based on the version I'm using but doesn't work and in my opinion the first part doesn't match the second part.
This is a part of home.component.html
<RadPieChart id="pieChartGiacenze" allowAnimation="true">
<RadLegendView position="Right" offsetOrigin="TopRight" width="110" enableSelection="true"></RadLegendView>
and this is a part of home.component.ts
public pieSource;
this.pieSource = new ObservableArray();
this.pieSource.push({Brand:"ciao", Amount:50});
this.pieSource.push({Brand:"mondo", Amount:80});
I can't see the chart in my home. Where am I wrong?
Here is the sample, in .html file
<GridLayout height="500" rows="auto,*">
<Label text="Test Pie Chart" row="0"></Label>
<RadPieChart allowAnimation="true" row="1">
<PieSeries tkPieSeries selectionMode="DataPoint"
expandRadius="0.4" outerRadiusFactor="0.7" [items]="pieSource"
valueProperty="Amount" legendLabel="Brand"></PieSeries>
<RadLegendView tkPieLegend position="Right" offsetOrigin="Bottom"
width="100" enableSelection="true" offsetOrigin="TopRight"></RadLegendView>
and in your .ts file
pieSource: { Brand: string, Amount: number }[] = [
{ Brand: "Audi", Amount: 10 },
{ Brand: "Mercedes", Amount: 76 },
{ Brand: "Fiat", Amount: 60 },
{ Brand: "BMW", Amount: 24 },
{ Brand: "Crysler", Amount: 40 }
Here is the playground for you.