What I understand is, partial ordering and total ordering are two sets of rules.
Partial ordering has Three rules:
(1) if a an b are two events in the same process and a comes before b, then a->b.
(2) ...
(3) ...
What is total ordering then?
Why are the named so?
Those names stem form the fact that in a partial order not all elements are comparable while in a total order all elements are comparable:
A partial order on the elements of a set is defined by three properties that have to hold for all elements a
, b
and c
a ≤ a
a ≤ b
and b ≤ a
, then a = b
a ≤ b
and b ≤ c
, then a ≤ c
This definition capture the essence of the common intuition of what it means to order things: each thing is the same "size" as itself, it can be "smaller" than an other but then the other is not "smaller" than itself. Finally if a thing is "smaller" than an other, which is "smaller" than a third then it is also "smaller" than the third.
A total order is a partial order with the additional property:
a ≤ b
or b ≤ a
This definition says that in a total order any two things are comparable. Wheras in a partial order a thing needs neither to be "smaller" than an other nor the other way around, in a total order each thing is either "smaller" than an other or the other way around.