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what is the format of pagingstate (as string) in Datastax

For my unit test, I need to create a dummy PagingState value.

I can see that there is a fromString method which can create the PagingState object for me. But I need to provide the string in correct format.

What is the format of PagingState ?

I read that The paging state is a array of 16 bytes. I tried doing the following

val pagingStateByteArray = Array[Byte](1.toByte,2.toByte,3.toByte,4.toByte,5.toByte,6.toByte,7.toByte,8.toByte,9.toByte,10.toByte,11.toByte,12.toByte,13.toByte,14.toByte,15.toByte,16.toByte)
  val pagingState = PagingState.fromBytes(pagingStateByteArray) //make this more accurate. instance of PagingState

but got error

Cannot deserialize paging state, invalid format. The serialized form was corrupted, or not initially generated from a PagingState object.
com.datastax.driver.core.exceptions.PagingStateException: Cannot deserialize paging state, invalid format. The serialized form was corrupted, or not initially generated from a PagingState object.
    at com.datastax.driver.core.PagingState.<init>(
    at com.datastax.driver.core.PagingState.fromBytes(


  • Paging state has a meaning for driver (source code), so you need to provide meaningful values.

    But for your test you can use the same value that is used in the Java driver tests:

    PagingState emptyStatement = PagingState.fromString("00000000");;