I've just updated cequel from 1.10.0 to 3.2.1 and I'm having the following model:
module Messaging
class ThreadsForUser
include Cequel::Record
include Sunspot::Cequel
self.table_name = :messaging_threads_for_users
key :user_id, :bigint
key :thread_id, :timeuuid, order: :desc
and I have the following query (this was working correctly with 1.1.0):
"DELETE FROM #{table_name} WHERE thread_id = ? AND user_id in (?)",
thread_id, user_ids
but with 3.2.1 I'm receiving:
ArgumentError: argument for "user_id" must be bigint, [3] given
where user_ids
is an array with a 3 on it. Not sure how can I fix this, any idea?
You need to use syntax as here:
DELETE FROM #{table_name} WHERE thread_id = ? AND user_id in ?
In this case the full list will be substituted by driver into in
, while in your variant, you're passing the IN
consisting of one element - it's valid syntax, you simply need to pass integer value instead of list of integers.