Search code examples

Why is my form.action different than what gets submitted by the form?

I am trying to set up a form to transfer data to my php file via forms filled out by the user. I want to create my own GET request so simplify it, but when i submit my form it is a different URL than the one i created.

I console logged my form.action and got (both fabricated data):


but the URL i got was (i inputted 987654321):


File: index.html

<form id="searchForm" action="/index.php" method="GET">
    <input type="submit" value="Search" onclick="createActionGetRequest()">
    <text id="search1Text">Social Security Number</text><input id="searchField1" type="text" name="search1"><br>
    <text id="search2Text"></text>

File: helper-functions.js

function createActionGetRequest()
  var form = document.getElementById("searchForm");
  var elements = form.elements;
  var values = [];

  for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++)
    values.push(encodeURIComponent(elements[i].name) + '=' + encodeURIComponent(elements[i].value));

  var userForm = document.getElementById("userType");
  values.push(encodeURIComponent("userType") + '=' + encodeURIComponent(userForm.value));

  var searchForm = document.getElementById("searchType");
  values.push(encodeURIComponent("searchType") + '=' + encodeURIComponent(searchForm.value));

  // dummy test for GET request
  form.action += '?' + "search1=987654321" + '&' + "search2=987654321";


  • When you click on a Submit button within a form, its always call form.submit() by browser. Which mean 2 calls were made, /index.php?search1=987654321 made by browser and /index.php?search1=987654321&search2=987654321 by your js code

    You can add event.preventDefault() to createActionGetRequest() to prevent the browser call.

    function createActionGetRequest(event)

    The GET method also replace the request queries with the form input values. You can add another input instead of changing form.action.

    var input = document.createElement("input"); 
    input.type = "text"; = "search2"; 