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Invalid prop `cookies` when running test with react cookies

I'm using react-cookies package in my app and trying to write tests into my app. I'm trying to mock cookie.remove method and validate it, below are the codes:

// App.js

export class App extends Component {
  static propTypes = {
    cookies: PropTypes.instanceOf(Cookies).isRequired,

  handleClick() {
    // Remove data from browser cookies
    this.props.cookies.remove('data', { path: '/' });

// Test file

  it('should be able to remove cookies', () => {
    const mockFn = jest.fn();
    const cookies = { remove: mockFn };
    const button = mount(<App cookies={cookies} />).find('button');

    expect(mockRemove).toHaveBeenCalledWith('data', { path: '/' });

The test ran properly and passed, however in the console there is this warning of incorrect proptype passed into the props:

console.error node_modules/react/node_modules/prop-types/checkPropTypes.js:20
      Warning: Failed prop type: Invalid prop `cookies` of type `Object` supplied to `App`, expected instance of `Cookies`.

How can I supply the instance of Cookies into my test while stubbing the remove method?


  • Got it working by initializing the class then modify the method, full code:

      it('should be able to remove cookies', () => {
        const mockFn = jest.fn();
        const cookies = new Cookies();
        cookies.remove = mockFn;
        const button = mount(<App cookies={cookies} />).find('button');
        expect(mockRemove).toHaveBeenCalledWith('data', { path: '/' });