I am trying to set dagger up to provide a data module but I keep running into this error :
error: @Modules cannot be scoped. Did you mean to scope a method instead? @javax.inject.Singleton() ^
Here is the culprit module :
package com.bottlerocket.dependancyinjection.modules
import android.content.Context
import androidx.room.Room
import com.bottlerocket.dependancyinjection.DI
import com.data.api.BottleRocketApi
import com.data.cache.StoreCache
import com.data.database.CacheDataStoreObject
import com.data.database.RemoteStoreDataObject
import com.data.database.StoreDatabase
import com.data.repository.StoreRepositoryImplementation
import dagger.Module
import dagger.Provides
import interfaces.StoresRepository
import javax.inject.Named
import javax.inject.Singleton
class DataModule {
fun provideRoomDatabase(context: Context): StoreDatabase {
return Room.databaseBuilder(
fun provideStoreRepository(
api: BottleRocketApi,
@Named(DI.inMemoryCache) cache: StoreCache
): StoresRepository {
val cachedMoviesDataStore = CacheDataStoreObject(cache)
val remoteMoviesDataStore = RemoteStoreDataObject(api)
return StoreRepositoryImplementation(cachedMoviesDataStore, remoteMoviesDataStore)
As the error indicates, you can't annotate a module with @Singleton
, only the functions. So all you have to do is remove the annotation from your module.
class DataModule {
class DataModule {
This check was introduced in a recent version of Dagger.