I have a homework about an article and the result must be in interval (0.10024, 1.0917).
As a concrete example we took the data of remission times for solid tumor patients (n=10), which is a slightly modified (breaktie) version of Statistical Methods for Survival Data Analysis, Elisa T. Lee, 1992, Example 4.2:
3, 6.5, 6.51, 10, 12, 15, 8.4+, 4+,5.7+, and 10+.
Suppose we are interested in getting a 95% confidence interval for the cumulative hazard at the time t = 9.8, ∆o (9.8). Hence θo=∆o(9.8). In this case the function g is an indicator function: g(t)=I[t9.8].
The 95% confidence interval using the empirical likelihood ratio,
-2logALR, for ∆o (9.8) is (0.10024, 1.0917)
please help me to get result above. Thank you.
status <- c(1,0,0,1,1,0,1,0,1,1)
and my code is (actually I am not sure about this code)
x1 = c(3,4,5.7,6.5,6.51,8.4,10,10,12,15)
d1 = c(1,0,0,1,1,0,1,0,1,1)
KM0 <- survfit(Surv(x1,d1) ~ 1, type="kaplan-meier", conf.type="log")
myfun <-function(t){as.numeric(t <=9.8)}
myULfun <-function(theta,x,d){
emplikH1.test(x=x1,d=d1,theta=theta,fun=function(t){as.numeric(t <= 9.8)})}
findUL(fun=myULfun,MLE =-log(0.643),x=x1,d=d1)
The last line of the code you presented
findUL(fun=myULfun,MLE =-log(0.643),x=x1,d=d1)
throws an error:
Error in emplikH1.test(x = x1, d = d1, theta = theta, fun = function(t) { : given theta is too far away from theta0
Changing MLE
argument of findUL
from -log(0.643)
to 1
cure the issue. Please see the below:
findUL(fun = myULfun, MLE = 1, x = x1, d = d1)
Output, which coincides with the one required:
[1] 0.1002516
[1] 1.09165
[1] 6.103516e-05
[1] 6.103516e-05
[1] 3.839313
[1] 3.839971