I'm trying to run my Laravel 5.7 app but will always get the error Could not find driver
when trying to run a query in my page.
Here's portion of my .env code:
Anyway instead of using mysql, we use MariaDB instead. I can confirm that mariadb is running without any problem because if I run mysql -u root -p
in my terminal, I can connect to my MariaDB. Here's what my welcome message will be upon successfully log into my MariaDB.
Welcome to the MariaDB monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MariaDB connection id is 44
Server version: 10.2.8-MariaDB MariaDB Server
Running phpinfo()
will return this:
PDO support enabled
PDO drivers pgsql, sqlite
MySQL driver for PDO George Schlossnagle, Wez Furlong, Ilia Alshanetsky, Johannes Schlueter
MySQLi Zak Greant, Georg Richter, Andrey Hristov, Ulf Wendel
MySQLnd Andrey Hristov, Ulf Wendel, Georg Richter, Johannes Schlüter
But I can confirm my /opt/rh/rh-php71/root/usr/lib64/php/modules
folder contains pdo_mysql.so
, pdo.so
and mysqlnd.so
And also my /etc/opt/rh/rh-php71/php.d
folder contains 30-pdo_mysql.ini
on which it contains just one line, extension=pdo_mysql.so
So why isn't my pdo mysql running?
It turns out I need to restart my php-fpm. Upon googling and googling, I still can't find the exact name of my php-fpm service, so I did sudo find | grep fpm
and found out that my php-fpm service name is rh-php71-php-fpm
So I run sudo service rh-php71-php-fpm restart
and sudo systemctl restart httpd
and now mysql is listed under PDO drivers, and I can run my apps successfully.
Seriously, why did different versions of Linux have different names of the same thing?