I have an MS Access table that uses a memo field for longer text entries.
I am using a query to pull information from that table + joined with some others in order to create a recordset to iterate over / send emails from.
However the memo field is being cut off / truncated down to 255 characters despite the fact it's a memo field and not a text field. Is it being downcasted somehow? Is there a way to "force" it to be memo in the query?
Doing some research I see that sometimes the issue is the use of "groupby" or "distinct" in the query but I don't see how you can avoid using that when pulling fields into a query? How are you supposed to include memo fields in a query?
You may be using GROUP BY or DISTINCT in your query. If you replace your memo column with FIRST([memo column]) it may help.
Allen Browne has some really good Access tips. http://allenbrowne.com/bug-18.html