I'm working on a python module that fetches, downloads/updates and then automatically installes other modules. How do I use **kwargs (or an alternative) without needing =True on the end for a "flags" system?
I'm not very experienced in general so I'm not sure what do do here
Currently, for the silent flag to work, It has to look like this:
but I want the call function to look like this:
The function itself looks like this (in pyup.py):
def imp(libs = [], *args, **kwargs):
where libs[] is the array containing the wanted libraries.
How do I make the function call not require "=True"?
If you want to pass a series of string flags to your function (as if it were a terminal application), you coud pass them as unnamed positional arguments via *args
def imp(libs=[], *args):
silent = '--silent' in args
# somewhere else
imp([...], '--silent')