I'm using lit-html with a paper-input
which is a polymer 3 element. I would like to make a condition where some attributes are put in the paper-input
-attributes by a condition.
Note this does not seem to be related to paper-input. Different error occurs using simple input
return html`
<!--Using placeholder or value depending on a condition-->
<paper-input label="Video title" type="text"
id="titleInput" name="title" ${((true) ? html`placeholder="${this.videotitle}" `: html`value="${this.videotitle}" `)}>
I'm expecting to have either the placeholder or the value set based on the condition.
/*Error message from console*/
Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot read property '2' of null
at _prepareTemplate (template.ts:102)
at new Template (template.ts:203)
at Object.templateFactory (shady-render.ts:94)
at NodePart._commitTemplateResult (parts.ts:285)
at NodePart.commit (parts.ts:230)
at render (render.ts:57)
at Function.render (shady-render.ts:284)
at HTMLElement.update (lit-element.ts:231)
at HTMLElement.performUpdate (updating-element.ts:772)
at HTMLElement._enqueueUpdate (updating-element.ts:717)
When using a input field like below:
${((true) ? html`placeholder="${this.videotitle}" `: html`value="${this.videotitle}"`)} >
the DOM is like this:
and looks like this:
I found these relevant rules in the documentation which I believe I am following:
Bindings can only occur in attribute-value and text-content positions.
Templates should not contain unclosed elements—they will be closed by the HTML parser. Reference: https://lit-html.polymer-project.org
I'm not successful in doing it that way. Anybody know of the way? I can of course just separate them, but I would like a neat way.
As the documentation says:
Bindings can only occur in attribute-value and text-content positions.
That is:
<element attribute="${/* Here */}">
${/* Or here */}
Try setting each attribute value according to the condition:
<paper-input placeholder=${condition ? this.videotitle : null}
value=${condition ? null : this.videotitle}>