I am developing shopify public app. I just want to know that can I get store home page content for upadte and add new content there.
I am getting all pages details and it contents by using shopify admin API for get page,create page,update page and delete page
like here we use following path for update particular page with page_id
PUT /admin/api/2019-04/pages/#{page_id}.json
"page": {
"id": 131092082,
"body_html": "<p>Returns accepted if we receive the items 14 days after purchase.</p>"
I had details of all static pages but i don't know how to update home page details like this
Can any one please help me that how I can get home page content and update that content using API or refer me any admin API to get this. Thank you
Finally got the solution to update index.liquid page of shopify store as follow
First you have to get themes by following
GET https://shop_domain/admin/api/2019-04/themes.json
This API give you thmes.json which contains all themes details used in this store.
Now you have to get theme_id from theme.json for update particular page by theme_id. Update asset API for update content of index page
URL for update assets by theme_id
PUT https://shop_domain/admin/api/2019-04/themes/#{theme_id}/assets.json
require body for update API
"asset": {
"key": "templates/index.liquid",
"value": "add your content"
And this will update index page content with your content . It work successfully for me Thank you