I am building a small interface to show livestreamed video from a YouTube channel to a webpage. I got the API key, I set it up and it worked. But then I couldn't access certain information from the json I got back from the YouTube server.
I tried a few things, fixing whatever breaks on the go, but I realised that sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't... I searched other threads but I can't understand anymore what's happening.
So the questions are:
How to use file_get_contents_url() to get info about a Youtube channel every time without HTTP response failure?
Why is my testing using all the units I have as a quota from Google's API? (It runs out of units in a 50 refreshes or so)
My code
header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *");
# Enable Error Reporting and Display:
ini_set('display_errors', 1);
$ChannelID = ' CHANNEL ID HERE';
$channelInfo = 'https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/search?part=snippet&channelId='.$ChannelID.'&type=video&eventType=live&key='.$API_KEY;
$extractInfo = file_get_contents_url($channelInfo);
$extractInfo = str_replace('},]',"}]",$extractInfo);
$showInfo = json_decode($extractInfo, true);
if($showInfo['pageInfo']['totalResults'] === 0){
echo 'Users channel is Offline';
echo 'Users channel is LIVE!';
$videoId = $extractInfo['items'][0]['id']["videoId"];
if ($videoId = 0) {
echo "<h2>No live stream yet.</h2>";
} else {
echo "</h2>$videoId</h2>";
What I need is:
When I echo $extractInfo
I get
"kind": "youtube#searchListResponse",
"etag": "\"XpPGQXPnxQJhLgs6enD_n8JR4Qk/yOWNawoTMP4atq-Ylgqt-1puBAQ\"",
"regionCode": "NL",
"pageInfo": {
"totalResults": 0,
"resultsPerPage": 5
"items": []
} 0
If the response you are showing us is complete, then if you get a channel that is offline then the items array is sent but is empty, so your code needs to check for that possibility
// only run this if we actually have an array to process
if ( count($showInfo['items']) > 0 ) {
$videoId = $showInfo['items'][0]['id']["videoId"];
if ($videoId = 0) {
echo "<h2>No live stream yet.</h2>";
} else {
echo "</h2>$videoId</h2>";
} else {
echo "No items in the array";