I did a couple of sites with GraphQL-Yoga and Prisma a little while ago and am attempting the same with Apollo Express. All worked fine. Now however I can't get the thing started -- perhaps I'm going too fast and attempting too many things at once. I am starting trying to implement a registration mutation following this guide. My first (and for the moment only) mutation is
const resolvers = {
Mutation: {
register: async (parent, { username, password }, ctx, info) => {
const hashedPassword = await bcrypt.hash(password, 10)
const user = await ctx.prisma.createUser({
password: hashedPassword,
return user
but when I test it in GraphQL Playground
mutation {
register(username:"foo",password: "bar") {
I get this error
"errors": [
"message": "Variable '$data' expected value of type 'UserCreateInput!' but got: {\"username\":\"sandor\",\"password\":\"$2a$10$S7IF1L3YjS4dLUm8QB2zjenPnKHwlohml7AaPf1iVhNipHSkNb/62\"}. Reason: 'name' Expected non-null value, found null. (line 1, column 11):\nmutation ($data: UserCreateInput!) {\n ^",
"locations": [
"line": 2,
"column": 3
"path": [
"extensions": {
I looked in `generated/prisma-client/prisma-schema´ and see that I have
createUser(data: UserCreateInput!): User!
But when I used Prisma before it never complained about expecting an input type when I passed it an object. Where am I going wrong here?
My schema is
const { gql } = require('apollo-server-express');
const typeDefs = gql`
type User {
id: ID!
username: String!
password: String!
type Query {
currentUser: User!
type Mutation {
register(username: String!, password: String!): User!
login(username: String!, password: String!): LoginResponse!
type LoginResponse {
id: ID!
token: String
user: User
module.exports = typeDefs
and my datamodel.prisma is
type User {
id: ID! @id
name: String!
password: String!
type LoginResponse {
id: ID! @id
token: String
user: User
I am sure I'm missing something blindingly obvious, but after looking some time I don't see it -- so any clue would be much appreciated!
The answer -- hinted at by @Errorname in a comment and given to me by a user on the Prisma Spectrum forum (I didn't see it myself), is that there was a discrepancy between the Prisma datamodel and the GraphQL schema. To wit, the field was being called 'username' in the schema, and 'name' in the datamodel. I changed it to 'username' in the datamodel. Doh!
type User {
id: ID! @id
username: String!
password: String!
and it works fine! I didn't need to add the 'data' object to createUser, as suggested by @Errorname above -- that is, this works fine
Mutation: {
register: async (parent, {username, password}, ctx, info) => {
const hashedPassword = await bcrypt.hash(password, 10)
const user = await ctx.prisma.createUser({
password: hashedPassword,
return user