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How to change value into date format and How to change value into time format

I have two columns one with values that represents time and another with values that represent a date (both values are in floating type), I have the following data in each column:



I need to create new columns with the correct data format for these two columns, to be able to analyze data with date and time in distinct columns.

For ['Time'] I need to convert the format to:

 540.0  =  5h40 OR TO  5.40 am
2245.0  = 22h45 OR TO 10.45 pm

For ['Date'], I need to convert the format to: Each number we can say that represent "days": where 0 ("days") = 01-01-1980

So if I add 01-01-1980 to 14202.0 = 18-11-1938

and if I add: 01-01-1980 + 14203.0 = 19-11-1938,

this way is possible to do with excel but I need a way to do in Python.

I tried different types of code but nothing works, for example, one of the codes that I tried was the one below:

# creating a variable with the data in column ['Date'] adding the days into the date:

Time1 = pd.to_datetime(df["Date"])

# When I print it is possible to see that 14203 in row n.55384 is added at the end of the date created but including time, and is not what I want:

55384   1970-01-01 00:00:00.000014203
Name: Date, dtype: datetime64[ns]

# printing the same row (55384) to check the value 14203.0, that was added above:

55384    14203.0
Name: Date, dtype: float64

For ['Time'] I have the same problem I can't have time without a date, I also tried to insert ':', but is not working even converting the data type to string.

I hope that someone can help me with this matter, and any doubt please let me know, sometimes is not easy to explain.


  • Solving problems with Date

    from datetime import datetime

    from datetime import timedelta

    startdate_string = "1980/01/01" #defining start date in string format

    startdate_object = datetime.strptime(startdate_string, "%Y/%m/%d").date() # changing string format date, to date object using strptime function

    startdate_object # print startdate_object to check date

    creating a list to add in the dataframe a new column with date format

    import math datenew = []

    dates = df['UTS_Date'] # data from the original column 'UTS_Date'

    for values in dates: # using an if statement to accept null values and appending them into the new list

    if math.isnan(values):

        `continue `
    `currentdate1 = startdate_object + timedelta(days= float(values))` # add the reference data (startdate_object) to a delta (which is the value in each row of the column)
    `datenew.append(str(currentdate1)) ` # converte data into string format and add in the end of the list, removing any word from the list (such:

    print (len(datenew)) # check the length of the new list datenew, to ensure that all rows on the data are in the new list

    df.insert(3, 'Date', datenew) #creating a new column in data frame for date format