I am building a windows brdige app, and trying to include adaptive scaling assets for the tiles and such. However, when building the package, makeappx complains about non-existing files.
I use the following appxmanifest.xml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!--suppress XmlUnusedNamespaceDeclaration -->
<!-- use single quotes to avoid double quotes escaping in the publisher value -->
<Identity Name="IRMASignatureApp"
Version="" />
<PublisherDisplayName>Privacy By Design Foundatation</PublisherDisplayName>
<Description>An IRMA app to create IRMA signatures</Description>
<Resource Language="en-US" />
<TargetDeviceFamily Name="Windows.Desktop" MinVersion="10.0.14316.0" MaxVersionTested="10.0.14316.0" />
<rescap:Capability Name="runFullTrust"/>
<Application Id="IRMASignatureApp" Executable="app\IRMASignatureApp.exe" EntryPoint="Windows.FullTrustApplication">
Description="An IRMA app to create IRMA signatures">
<uap:DefaultTile Wide310x150Logo="assets\Wide310x150Logo.png" />
However, on running makeappx, i get the following errors:
MakeAppx : error: Manifest validation error: Line 33, Column 8, Reason: The file name "assets\Square150x150Logo.png" declared for element "*[local-name()='Applications']/*[local-name()='Application']/*[local-name()='VisualElements']" doesn't exist in the package.
MakeAppx : error: Manifest validation error: Line 34, Column 8, Reason: The file name "assets\Square44x44Logo.png" declared for element "*[local-name()='Applications']/*[local-name()='Application']/*[local-name()='VisualElements']" doesn't exist in the package.
MakeAppx : error: Manifest validation error: Line 37, Column 26, Reason: The file name "assets\Wide310x150Logo.png" declared for element "*[local-name()='Applications']/*[local-name()='Application']/*[local-name()='VisualElements']/*[local-name()='DefaultTile']" doesn't exist in the package.
However, the assets directory does contain the files needed with the naming scheme as described in https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/uwp/design/shell/tiles-and-notifications/app-assets:
Mode LastWriteTime Length Name
---- ------------- ------ ----
-a---- 8/28/2018 11:21 AM 3757 Square150x150Logo.scale-100.png
-a---- 8/28/2018 11:21 AM 4630 Square150x150Logo.scale-125.png
-a---- 8/28/2018 11:21 AM 5633 Square150x150Logo.scale-150.png
-a---- 8/28/2018 11:21 AM 7504 Square150x150Logo.scale-200.png
-a---- 8/28/2018 11:21 AM 15784 Square150x150Logo.scale-400.png
-a---- 8/28/2018 11:21 AM 7832 Square310x310Logo.scale-100.png
-a---- 8/28/2018 11:21 AM 9873 Square310x310Logo.scale-125.png
-a---- 8/28/2018 11:21 AM 11802 Square310x310Logo.scale-150.png
-a---- 8/28/2018 11:21 AM 16065 Square310x310Logo.scale-200.png
-a---- 8/28/2018 11:21 AM 35149 Square310x310Logo.scale-400.png
-a---- 8/28/2018 11:21 AM 1874 Square44x44Logo.scale-100.png
-a---- 8/28/2018 11:21 AM 2284 Square44x44Logo.scale-125.png
-a---- 8/28/2018 11:21 AM 2867 Square44x44Logo.scale-150.png
-a---- 8/28/2018 11:21 AM 3880 Square44x44Logo.scale-200.png
-a---- 8/28/2018 11:21 AM 7327 Square44x44Logo.scale-400.png
-a---- 8/28/2018 11:21 AM 834 Square44x44Logo.targetsize-16.png
-a---- 8/28/2018 11:21 AM 1034 Square44x44Logo.targetsize-20.png
-a---- 8/28/2018 11:21 AM 1262 Square44x44Logo.targetsize-24.png
-a---- 8/28/2018 11:21 AM 9912 Square44x44Logo.targetsize-256.png
-a---- 8/28/2018 11:21 AM 1191 Square44x44Logo.targetsize-30.png
-a---- 8/28/2018 11:21 AM 1321 Square44x44Logo.targetsize-32.png
-a---- 8/28/2018 11:21 AM 1486 Square44x44Logo.targetsize-36.png
-a---- 8/28/2018 11:21 AM 1579 Square44x44Logo.targetsize-40.png
-a---- 8/28/2018 11:21 AM 2078 Square44x44Logo.targetsize-48.png
-a---- 8/28/2018 11:21 AM 2548 Square44x44Logo.targetsize-60.png
-a---- 8/28/2018 11:21 AM 2761 Square44x44Logo.targetsize-64.png
-a---- 8/28/2018 11:21 AM 3130 Square44x44Logo.targetsize-72.png
-a---- 8/28/2018 11:21 AM 3410 Square44x44Logo.targetsize-80.png
-a---- 8/28/2018 11:21 AM 4192 Square44x44Logo.targetsize-96.png
-a---- 8/28/2018 11:21 AM 2415 Square71x71Logo.scale-100.png
-a---- 8/28/2018 11:21 AM 2919 Square71x71Logo.scale-125.png
-a---- 8/28/2018 11:21 AM 3689 Square71x71Logo.scale-150.png
-a---- 8/28/2018 11:21 AM 4937 Square71x71Logo.scale-200.png
-a---- 8/28/2018 11:21 AM 9154 Square71x71Logo.scale-400.png
-a---- 8/28/2018 11:21 AM 2119 StoreLogo.png
-a---- 8/28/2018 11:21 AM 4004 Wide310x150Logo.scale-100.png
-a---- 8/28/2018 11:21 AM 5036 Wide310x150Logo.scale-125.png
-a---- 8/28/2018 11:21 AM 6114 Wide310x150Logo.scale-150.png
-a---- 8/28/2018 11:21 AM 8227 Wide310x150Logo.scale-200.png
-a---- 8/28/2018 11:21 AM 17693 Wide310x150Logo.scale-400.png
What am I missing/doing wrong?
I was having similar problems with the adaptive assets. I am using electron-windows-store
to package my app, but it was also complaining about non-existent files. Turns out there is a makepri.exe
program that can run before makeappx.exe
and it prepares the assets for makeappx.exe
I don't know exactly how this works when running the programs manually, but when using electron-windows-store
setting makePri: true
in the config allows me to use the adaptive resolution assets. In my case the makepri.exe
program was downloaded along with the windows SDK, same folder as makeappx.exe
Unfortunately I couldn't find any good documentation on how these programs work outside of Visual Studio.