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How to return a specific value every nth time of a consecutive call with Gmock

In the code Google Mock test snippet there is an EXPECT_CALL that returns True and an argument reference for 200 times.

How can I let the test only return True every nth time. For example return True each 10th call and otherwise return False.

class MockHandler : public Handler
        MOCK_METHOD1(RxMsg, bool(Msg &msg));

TEST(TestDispatcher, HandlePing)
    auto mockedHandler = make_unique<MockHandler>();
    Msg rxMsg = { REQUEST::REQ_PING, sizeof(DefaultMsg_t), rxMsg.rx,(uint8_t*)"0"};

            DoAll(SetArgReferee<0>(rxMsg), Return(TRUE)));

    Dispatcher dispatcher(10, mockedHandler);

    for (int i = 0; i < 199; i++)


  • There are few approaches that might work for you. I like the solution with Invoke as a default action, because it is the most flexible. You didn't provide mcve in your question, so I wrote very simple implementations for the classes you use. Also you made a mistake using unique_ptr for the mock. In 99% of cases is must be shared_ptr, because you are sharing it between testing environment and your System Under Test.

    class Msg {};
    class Handler {
        virtual bool RxMsg(Msg &msg) = 0;
    class MockHandler: public Handler
        MOCK_METHOD1(RxMsg, bool(Msg &msg));
    class Dispatcher {
        Dispatcher(std::shared_ptr<Handler> handler): h_(handler) {}
        void run() {
            Msg m;
            std::cout << h_->RxMsg(m) << std::endl;
        std::shared_ptr<Handler> h_;
    class MyFixture: public ::testing::Test {
        MyFixture(): mockCallCounter_(0) {
            mockHandler_.reset(new MockHandler);
            sut_.reset(new Dispatcher(mockHandler_));
        void configureMock(int period) {
            ON_CALL(*mockHandler_, RxMsg(_)).WillByDefault(Invoke(
                [this, period](Msg &msg) {
                    // you can also set the output arg here
                    // msg = something;
                    if ((mockCallCounter_++ % period) == 0) {
                        return true;
                    return false;
        int mockCallCounter_;
        std::shared_ptr<MockHandler> mockHandler_;
        std::unique_ptr<Dispatcher> sut_;
    TEST_F(MyFixture, HandlePing) {
        for (int i = 0; i < 199; i++) {

    At the beginning of each test you should call configureMock method that will Invoke ON_CALL macro setting the default action for your mock. Function passed to Invoke can be any function matching the signature of the method you are overwriting. In this case it;s a function that counts how many times mock has already been called and returns appropriate value. You can also assign some particular object to the msg output argument.