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Redirect to a specific page after successful action - Redux saga

I have a user profile page where the user can update the data. Once the data is submitted, it should be redirected to dashboard page.


  handleProfileUpdate = () => {
    let user = this.state;

Action is defined as follows

export const updateUserProfile = (obj) => ({
  payload: obj

Saga file is defined as follows.

function* updateUserProfile(action) {
  try {
    let data = action.payload;
    yield call(userProvider.updateUserProfile, data);

    // dispatch a success action to the store
    yield put({ type: types.USER_PROFILE_UPDATE_SUCCESS, data });
    yield put(push('/dashboard'));
    yield put(constants.successMsg(userProfileUpdateSuccess));

  } catch (error) {
    // dispatch a failure action to the store with the error
    yield put(constants.DEFAULT_ERROR_MSG);

export function* watchUserProfileUpdateRequest() {
  yield takeLatest(types.USER_PROFILE_UPDATE_REQUEST, updateUserProfile);

export default function* userSaga() {
  yield all([

But the code yield put(push('/dashboard')) is not redirecting on to the page.

Any idea on how to fix this?


  • I founded a solution myself


    import createHistory from 'history/createBrowserHistory';
    const history = createHistory();
    export default history;

    Import history file into the saga

    import history from '../../history';

    Modify the watcher saga as follows.

    function* updateUserProfile(action) {
      try {
        let data = action.payload;
        yield call(userProvider.updateUserProfile, data);
        // dispatch a success action to the store
        yield put({ type: types.USER_PROFILE_UPDATE_SUCCESS, data });
        yield call(forwardTo, '/dashboard');
        yield put(constants.successMsg(userProfileUpdateSuccess));
      } catch (error) {
        // dispatch a failure action to the store with the error
        yield put(constants.DEFAULT_ERROR_MSG);

    Now, you need to define the forwardTo function as follows.

    function forwardTo(location) {